PLUGSYS Biopotential Amplifier Module (BPA)
The Biopotential Amplifier Module (BPA) is used to amplify ECGA, EMGA, EEGA and BPA biopotentials in the PLUGSYS system. It can also be used with strain gauge transducers.
The BPA amplifier module is a non-isolated amplifier. It is designed specifically for physiological and pharmacological animal experiments.
The input cable (73.3357) is a binder connector to 3 x 1.5 mm male Touchproof connectors (red, yellow, black). Binder connector cable end shielded length 1.7 m to Touchproof connector end 30 cm unshielded length. Total length 2 m.
Specifications | 73-0153 |
Analog Indication | Through LED bar graph +13/-7 LEDs for monitoring applied signal; display sensitivity can be changed by key from +10/-5V to +1/-0.5V |
Auto Zero | Automatic zero adjustment by pressing key |
Connector | DIN 41612 96-pin VG (PLUGSYS system bus) |
Electrical Calibration | CAL automatic calibration steps operated by zero key, for transducer calibration and evaluation of input signal; calibration voltage 0.3, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100 mV is changed automatically to suit amplification setting |
Filter Indication | Settings of high-pass and low-pass filters are indicated as frequency pass band using LED line on front panel |
Frequency Range | DC to 10kHz (-3 dB) |
Gain | 20x, 100x, 200x, 1000x, 2000x and 10,000x selected by switch, can be varied by multi-turn trimmer within range of 10 to 100% (based on current amplification setting) |
High-Pass Filter | 12 settings, range 0.03 Hz to 10 kHz (-3 dB) |
Input | Direct for biological signals (ECG, EMG, EEG, ENG) and for strain gauge bridge transducers |
Input Bias Current | 30 nA maximum |
Input Capacity | 1.5 nF |
Input Impedance | Higher than 100 MΩ |
Low-Pass Filter | 10 settings, range DC to 100 Hz (-3 dB) |
Manual Zero | Manual zero adjustment for correcting high input offset voltages which exceed automatic adjustment range of Auto Zero |
Notch Filter | (HUM-ELIMINATION) to suppress 50 (60) Hz interference |
PLUGSYS Width | 2 slot units |
Power Supply | 5 V 1.2 A from PLUGSYS system bus |
Quick Start | Rapid discharge of coupling capacitors by pressing key |
Signal Input | 8-pin binder (Amphenol) socket with screw lock |
Signal Output | 1. Internally through system bus of PLUGSYS measuring system; signal output is assigned to connecting lines AV-1 to AV-16 through jumper
2. On front panel through BNC socket |
Transducer Supply | 5 V a bridge supply for transducers and supply for headstages |