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PLUGSYS Wilson Lead Amplifier Module (WLA)

Used for capturing and amplifying unipolar ECG chest lead potentials after Wilson lead configuration. Requires EGM module.
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The Wilson Lead Amplifier Module (WLA) is used for capturing and amplifying unipolar ECG chest lead potentials after Wilson lead configuration in the PLUGSYS system. Up to 6 chest electrodes (V1 to V6) can be connected.

IMPORTANT: Correct recording of the Wilson unipolar chest electrode potentials requires the central reference signal (Central Terminal Point, CTP) which is formed from the bipolar extremity leads after Einthoven. Using the WLA therefore requires the EGM module Type 701 which provides the CTP signal. The necessary link between the two modules is provided by the input box.

The WLA module has isolated input amplifiers in order to avoid hum interference. In this way the inputs are isolated electrically from the output circuits and from the housing. The six output voltages of the different chest leads can be switched through jumpers to the PLUGSYS system bus. From the system bus they can be picked off by a ROM module for direct recording or a DAQ Hardware PLUGSYS for data acquisition by computer. A square-wave calibration generator with a 1 mV amplitude is incorporated for calibrating the amplitudes.

CalibrationSquare-wave signal 1 mV 2 Hz (120 ml/min); calibration signal is activated with switch
Connector96-pin VG connector to DIN 41612, 8-pin RJ-45
ECG Leads6 unipolar chest leads after Wilson; V1 to V6
GainSetting x0.5 - 500; Setting x1 - 1000; Setting x2 - 2000
High-Pass Filter0.1 Hz, fixed
Input Box(Order separately) Input box with 4 + 6 inputs for simultaneous use of WLA module Type 702, and EGM module Type 701 for 4 bipolar Einthoven extremity leads (I, II, III) and Goldberger unipolar extremity leads (aVR, aVL, aVF) with necessary internal link
Input CircuitIsolated input circuit (floating input), isolating volt. 200 VDC max.
Input Impedance107 ohm
Input LeadsV1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6 and CTP Note; CTP = Central Terminal Point = Ref. Signal (add. Output on EGM Module, Type 701)
Low-Pass Filter100 Hz, 200 Hz and 500 Hz
PLUGSYS Width*2 slot units
Power Supply5 V 1.2 mA from PLUGSYS system bus
Recorder OutputOutput signals of 6 ECG leads are linked by jumpers to PLUGSYS bus system; link to recorder is provided by Recorder Output Module (ROM) installed in PLUGSYS system
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