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Rodent Activity Wheel (external) and Cage (Panlab)

External activity wheel for the evaluation of animal physical activity and voluntary exercise in rodents.

  • Home cage voluntary exercise registering
  • Preserve animal life space
  • Stainless steel wheel construction
  • For rat, mice and hamsters
  • Ideal for high throughput experiments
Grouped product items
Item No. Description Qty
76-0412 (LE904) Activity Wheel and Cage, Rat Please login to add to Quote
76-0413 (LE905) Activity Wheel and Cage, Mouse Please login to add to Quote
76-0414 (LE907) Single Wheel Counter (1 by Wheel) Please login to add to Quote
76-0243 (LE3806) Programmable MultiCounter with 30 Inputs (up to 30 wheels and 15 Rotameters) Please login to add to Quote
76-0406 SEDACOM Software V2.0 Please login to add to Quote

The rodent Activity Wheel represents a very simple and clever way to register animal physical activity in its home cage environment.

The use of this high throughput tool is particularly relevant for research involving circadian rhythms, phenotyping and drug testing.

Basically the animals are housed individually in the home cages equipped with the running wheel. The total number of wheel rotation made by the animal is displayed on the external LE907 individual counter or LE3806 multicounter devices.

LE3806 multicounter allows storing the data in userdefined time intervals. The data can be visualized directly from the multicounter display and/or exported to the SEDACOM PC interface (through RS 232 serial port) in a format compatible with Excel. The new SEDACOM 2.0 version (not included with the LE3806 multicounter) provides an easy and convenient way to visualize and export the data (R.P.M., Speed and Distance covered, etc.) on a computer for further analysis.

All the components of the wheel assembly (wheel, wheel hub and support) are made of stainless steel and are used with standard ACE (Allentown Caging Equipment) polycarbonate rodent cages provided with its wire lid. The wheel is built outside the home cage to preserve animal life space.

All non-electrical cage components are autoclavable.

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