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Working Heart Upgrade for IH-5 Core System


The IH-5 Langendorff System can be upgraded to a fully-ejecting working heart model for physiological cardiovascular studies, e.g., cardiac function and metabolism. The upgrade allows rapid and easy switching between working heart (ejecting heart) and Langendorff modes.

To upgrade an IH-5 Langendorff Core System to an IH-5 Working Heart System, add a Working Heart Upgrade and one of the species-specific atrial cannulae. To measure flow, a TTFM-2 flowmeter and species-suitable flow probe are also required.

To ensure that your system is properly configured as a functional unit that meets your application needs, please complete our Checklist and contact Technical Services before placing an order. In Europe, please call +49 7665-9200-0 or email sales@hugo-sachs.de. For other regions, call 800-597-0580 or email sales@harvardapparatus.com.

Grouped product items
Item No. Description Qty
73-4412 Working Heart Upgrade to IH-5 Core System, 230 V Please login to add to Quote

The IH-5 Langendorff System can be upgraded to a fully-ejecting working heart model for physiological cardiovascular studies, e.g., cardiac function and metabolism. The upgrade allows rapid and easy switching between working heart (ejecting heart) and Langendorff modes.

To upgrade an IH-5 Langendorff Core System to an IH-5 Working Heart System, add a Working Heart Upgrade and one of the species-specific atrial cannulae. To measure flow, a TTFM-2 flowmeter and species-suitable flow probe are also required.

Researchers who know they will be upgrading to working ejecting heart in the future typically start with a Langendorff Working Heart-Ready configuration. However, a Langendorff Only configuration can easily be modified to a Langendorff Working Heart-Ready configuration. Please contact our technical team for help!

Features & Benefits
Measured Signals & Calculated Parameters
Included Items
Species-Specific Additions
Specialized Applications & Upgrades

Features & Benefits

  • Fully-ejecting working heart model for physiological cardiovascular studies, e.g. cardiac function and metabolism
  • Allows rapid and easy switching between working heart (ejecting heart) and Langendorff modes.

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Measured Signals & Calculated Parameters

All parameters of standard Langendorff plus the following signals can be recorded:

  • Preload (left atrial preload / ventricular filling pressure)
  • Afterload (determining the diastolic and systolic aortic pressure)
  • Left ventricular pressure or pressure-volume loops
  • Cardiac output (atrial flow), aortic and coronatry flow (either Direct of by subtraction of CO-Aortic Flow)

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Included Items

 IH5-WH, Working Heart Upgrade,
230 V (73-4412) includes:
IH5-WH Working Heart Upgrade,
115 V (73-4411) includes:
73-3064 Working Heart Option to IH-5 Core System* 73-3064 Working Heart Option to IH-5 Core System*
73-0020 Blood Pressure Transducer P75 for PLUGSYS Module 73-0020 Blood Pressure Transducer P75 for PLUGSYS Module
73-0065 PLUGSYS Transducer Amplifier Module (TAM-A) 73-0065 PLUGSYS Transducer Amplifier Module (TAM-A)
73-0116 Peristaltic Pump MCP-SB2, 230 V  73-0115 Peristaltic Pump MCP-SB2, 115 V

The Working Heart Option (73-3064) includes: 

Left atrium cannulating system with preload reservoir and preheating coil, movable atrium connection adapter and holder for P75 (preload pressure)

Peristaltic Pumps included are special packages suited for use with the IH-5:

73-0115 includes:

MC Pump Drive (73-3029), SB Pump Head (73-3040), 2 V Tube Bed Set (73-3045)

73-0116 includes:

MC Pump Drive (73-3026), SB Pump Head (73-3040), 2 V Tube Bed Set (73-3045)

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Atrial Cannulae (Required, Purchase Separately)

Complete the Working Heart upgrade by choosing the appropriate species-specific addition:

73-4413 Working Heart Left Atrial Cannula for Rat/Guinea Pig Hearts, 2.3 mm OD

73-4414 Working Heart Left Atrial Cannula for Rabbit Hearts, 6.0 mm OD

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Specialized Applications & Upgrades

Left Atrial and Aortic Flow Measurement Option 

Flow measurement can be accomplished in an IH-SR unit using two methods: 

  • Indirect measurement by controlling the pump sped of a roller pump (SCP controller)
  • Direct measurement with Ultrasound Transit Time Technic (TTFM-2 module)

Intracardial Left Ventricular Pressure (LVP) Measurement Option

Easily allows introduction of a tip pressure catheter directly into the left ventricle via the adapter port and the aorta, rather than via apical puncture.

Pressure-Volume Loop (PVL) Measurement Option

Easily allows introduction of a pressure-volume loop catheter directly into the left ventricle via an adapter port and the aorta.

Increased Preload Pressure Option

Choose this option when you need to create left atrial preload pressures higher than 11 mmHg. (Gottlieb Valve).

Coronary Effluent Collection Option

Pulmonary artery cannulae, preparation dish and effluent funnel for collectionof effluent from the coronaries for metabolic studies, further analysis, or for continuous pO2,pH, or pCO2 measurements. 

Perfusate Oxygenation Option

For oxygenation of buffer solution supplemented with albumin, fatty acids, washed erythrocytes, or other foaming additives.

Perfusate Filtration Option

For filtration of recirculated perfusate.

Temperature Measurement Option

Measure perfusate temperature in any isolated perfused organ system. Since the system is well thermostated, temperature measurement is only necessary when specific temperature studies with special temperature protocols are being performed, e.g. cooling or transplantation studies.

Perfusion Solution Monitoring

Permits precise continuous or intermittent measurement in liquid media or perfusate of three key parameters: pO2, pH and pCO2.

Drug Addition Option

These options for drug addition can be added to any isolated organ system where flow is measured or calculated and a drug must be added in a certain ratio.

Pacing Option

For addition of pacing to functional IH-SR or IH-5 Langendorff and Working HeartSystems. For small rodent hearts (mouse, rat and guinea pig). 

Single-Lead ECG and MAP Measurement

For single-lead ECG and MAP on functional IH-5 systems, one ECG lead is combined with one MAP electrode.

Multi-Lead ECG and MAP Measurement

For multi-lead ECG and MAP measurements on functional IH-5 Langendorff or workingheart systems, up to 12 ECG leads are combined with up to 8 MAP electrodes formeasurement on rat, guinea pig or rabbit hearts. 

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